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Headaches and TMJ disorder

Headache Type Graphic

Did you know that clenching and grinding of teeth (bruxism) are responsible for the majority of the headaches we suffer? Bruxism is a known cause for muscle tension, migraine (trigger for over 70% of all), and cluster type headaches. It is possible to brux while sleeping or awake causing such signs and symptoms as: headache, fractures, excessive wear, tooth sensitivity, gum recession, TMJ dysfunction, facial pain, and or abfraction (a wedge-shaped piece of tooth missing from where the gum tissue meets the tooth).

NTI TSS LogoWe are proud to offer the NTI guard to our patients. This small appliance is about the size of an adult thumbnail and fits in the front of the mouth only. The NTI TSS is an FDA approved migraine treatment device effectively preventing these headaches over 80% of the time without the use of medications. The guard also addresses muscle tension and cluster headaches. By keeping pressure off the teeth, the properly fitted NTI appliance can allow muscles to relax, and in turn eliminate all symptoms of bruxism. Its small size means patient compliance is extremely high.


TMJ Appliance

nullPain in front of the ear that radiates into it is often a symptom of TMJ disorder or TMD. This pain is often associated with a popping and or clicking sound in the jaw joint when opening and or closing. Patients may also feel a “hitch” or “catch” when opening and or closing the lower jaw. These catches often eventually lead to a locking of the lower jaw in the open or closed position. We offer full arch hard/soft splints to treat these conditions.

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Steve Douglas today!
